It is raining today.
It looks like it’s going to rain almost all day.


It’s cold

It’s gotten cold all at once recently.
It feels especially cold in the evening when the sun doesn’t come out, and when I chekc the temperature, I think “Is it about 5 degrees right now?” It turns out it’s 11 degrees.
I want to wear a down coat.

Chat-GPT is really nice.
I feel like I use it every day for quick research.
Today, there was a term I didn’t understand when booking aflight ticket, so I ask Chat-GPT about it.
He answered my simple questuions in general terms, but it was helpful because it contained the information I wanted to know.

According to the weather forecast, it will be cold starting tomorrow.
Since the days were still warm even into November, I was hopeful that this winter would be warmer as well.
I was a little disappointed.

I can’t find a to-do list app that suits me.
After comparing various options such as Apple’s Reminders and Microsoft Lists, I am currently using Google keep.
However, there are often times when I want to do more, such as “I want to emphasize this character” or “I want to note down details in smaller font.”
Maybe writing notes in Word rather than an app suits me better after all.


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