
Delete key

I thought Mac books didn’t have a Windows delete key, but I recently discovered that the Mac book “fn” and delete keys work the same way as the Windows delete key. This was a great discovery as I use this feature a lot.



Recently, it has become popular to only in cocoa during breaks.

For health reasons, I only use lakanto to sweeten Van Houten’s cocoa. I don’t add milk.


Real cold

I was hoping that this winter would be warm, but it has really gotten colder this week.

The forecast is for the lowest temperature to be -1 degree tomorrow.


Tidying up

I’m trying to tidy up my desk by the end of December, but I’m not getting it done.

But today, I put away two large monitors, so it’s pretty refreshing.


Ginkgo trees

The autumn leaves are beautiful again this year.

Perhaps because it is warmer than usual, it seems that the color has changed much later.

You can also enjoy ginkgo trees in the vicinity of our office.


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